Kathryn Mannix, Palliative Care Dr

‘We limp to wisdom over the hot coals of our mistakes. Bind your feet now and keep walking.’


Kathryn Mannix is a best-selling author and palliative care doctor. Given that this is a podcast about the creative process she may seem to be a rather unusual guest, but as you’ll discover, Kathryn is a brilliant wordsmith and someone who has a great deal to say about stories; the stories we use to make sense of life and of death.

Kathryn’s self-declared mission is to make us all more comfortable with the idea of dying. And this is something we discuss in detail. But we also talk about creativity in medicine, about the process of writing, how to give stories the space to tell themselves, and she has a fascinating theory on why it seems that only the good die young.

An inspirational conversation with a wise and humble human being.

You can watch the Dennis Potter interview we discuss here. With the End in Mind: How to Live and Die Well is available here. And Listen: How to Find the Words for Tender Conversation is available here.

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